Tag Archives: half marathon training

Oh, so that’s what it’s like…

I remember what a good run feels like! 

After my blog post about intimidation and my bad mindset when it comes to running, I chatted with a few of my runner friends and Hubs. Basically, the jist was — if you’re not going to enjoy it, why do it? Hubs reminded me that I need to think of running as fun and enjoy what I can push myself to do.

Tuesday, I came home to a sweaty Husband — fresh off 3 miles from our training plan and the treadmill.  I knew I needed to run, but decided that outside was the way to go. I set out with the aim of running 2 miles. I finished those two. They were not easy, but they were definitely not as hard as I had thought they would be. I decided that, after a half mile walking break, I was going to finish another mile. Hubs was not going to “beat” me! 

And, I did it! Granted, the last .4 mile was spent in the large parking lot across the street from my house. Cops use it for motorcycle training so it’s  closed to traffic. I’m sure I looked like a loon — jogging slowing back and forth across the parking lot. I was BRIGHT RED and at the point in my run where I didn’t give two damns if I even looked like I was running. My level of effort was a run in my mind, so I trekked around that parking lot until my trusty Garmin said it was quitting time. Proud doesn’t cover it!

Perhaps I needed the element of competition. Or, maybe I just needed crunch time? I had another pretty good run on Thursday. That time I stuck to 2.25 straight and walked it out to three miles to complete my mileage. After two recovery days (my poor, sore legs), I hit the treadmill this afternoon. (It was a little warm and sunny  for my pale skin outside.) This time, I ran intervals to keep myself from getting bored. 2 minutes at 5.5 and a minute at 6. With half a mile left, I increased my speed by .1 mile every minute until I finished my 2.5 miles. (Much speedier than normal too!) It sucked, seriously, but I made it happen and I’m pretty pleased with myself. I walked another mile to meet my mileage. (Cannot wait until I can run the full mileage for the week!)

So yeah, here I am, less than a week later, with three (for me) fairly strong runs under my belt. Our families are coming into town this week for Hubs’ graduation, but I’m going to try to still get my three runs in this week! Hooray consistency and double hooray for finally enjoying (for the most part) running again!


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Snacky McSnackerson

Thanks y’all for your kind comments on my previous post. Things are a little better/I’m trying not to let stuff bother me too much right now. Working out last night definitely helped!

I am ravenous today. I feel like my body realized it worked out last night and is now demanding payment. I’m trying not to snack as I have a lovely lady date this evening (happy hour and the Smithsonian Craft Exhibition) but it has been hard to keep my snacky hands to myself. This morning we had a staff meeting which led me to confront my arch nemeses:


Sigh. I resisted their siren song. I even kept my fingers out of my boss’ candy bowl (even though he has twix AND rolos right now). I’m pretty pleased with my will power. 🙂

I had plans for a workout tonight, but my lady date takes precedence. I will, however, be lacing up my sneakers and heading out for a run tomorrow. I’m kinda looking forward to it.

What else is on deck? A lot actually! Tomorrow is a delightful day of telework followed up by a happy hour/hockey watching with Husband’s former coworkers (all of whom I adore). (Bonus fact: Tonight’s lady date is the wife of one of those coworkers. You should probably check out her blog!) Saturday I’ll be going to a baby shower for a friend from school and his wife. It promises to be laden with delicious homemade fingerfoods and handcrafted cocktails. (The girls throwing this thing are serious about it!) Finally, Sunday will contain another training run and a brunch date in Old Town with a few friends. Dear Weekend, I like how you’re shaping up!

Are you snacky today? More importantly, what are you up to this weekend?


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