Tag Archives: travel

I Love June

Why is that? Because June brings my Birthday! It’s today, in fact! 🙂 I love birthdays and 26 is not disappointing!

It’s also a new month (and the halfway mark on the year). So, let’s see how I did in May…
1. Create half marathon training plan.
Check! I’ve been just about on pace with my long runs, but my overall weekly distance is NOT where it should be.
2. Complete six strength training work outs (2/6)
Obviously I, once again, slacked off here. I’m finding it very hard to make time in my workout schedule of runs to strength train, but I know it’s key to a successful race and fitness program. Sigh.
3. Read six books (6/6) 
Check! I’m reading about five simultaneously right now…
4. Of those six, read two classics (1/2) [Mansfield Park] and one non-fiction (2/1) [Bossy Pants, The House on First Street] 
Okay, so I didn’t read two classics and one non-fiction. Instead I read one classic and two non-fictions. I think that counts!
5. Beat my previous 5k time during this month’s 5k.
Going into this race, I was worried about finishing. But, I actually PR’ed! My new 5k best is 34:39. Onward and upward!
6. Eat at 3 new restaurants (3/3) [Lincoln – DC, Captain Billy’s Crab House – Southern MD, Eventide – Arlington]
While I visited three new places, I only had a drink at Eventide. I’m still gonna count it though!
7. Be more consistent with blogging! Post at least 16 times this month. (4/16) 
Toot toot! Here comes the fail boat… I suck at blogging lately. I think this is because my laptop doesn’t recognize the wireless in our apt anymore. I have live writer on that computer too. Our desktop is slowly dying and takes FOREVER to load pages. The combo = very little blogging motivation.

On Deck for June:
1. Get my mileage up! (0/4)
Right now, my training plan has me running 15 miles a week in addition to my long run. I’m definitely not there and I need to work on it! I will be aiming to run 10-15 miles each week.
2. Weight train (at least once a week). (0/4)
This is totally doable. If I don’t want to weight train and run on the same day, all I have to do is get myself into the gym or in front of the TV with my kettle bell ONE TIME a week. Do it, Anna. You will thank yourself.
3. Read three books that are non-fiction or classics. (0/3)
Again, trying to keep my reading varied. Hubs got me a Kindle for my birthday and I’ve downloaded some of the free classics. Hopefully that will help!
4. Get Laptop fixed. Seriously, Anna. 
I just need to take that sucker to best buy or something and get someone to tell me why the computer knows the wireless is there but refuses to connect to the internet.
(While I’m there, I should probably buy an external hard drive to back up our failing desktop…)
5. Make a savings plan for summer fun trips.
Hubs and I are fortunate to be going away for at least a weekend in July, August, and September. Super stoked for that, but since money doesn’t grow on trees we need to figure out how we’re going to pay for all this.
6. Make four new recipes. (0/4)
I cooked up a storm last month and want to keep that going! Being in the kitchen is becoming more and more relaxing for me.

Well, that should keep me busy for a month… especially considering everything else that’s going on!
– My 26th Birthday!!!
– Awesome friends (Dan and Kelly) move into our building
– Crawfish Boil with the Louisiana State Society
– Husband in Boston for a week
– Hosting book club ladies
– 4 Mile Twilight Race (my first four miler ever!)
– Finishing one project at work and simultaneously starting another

Hold on y’all! I have a feeling it’s gonna be a good month!

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Out like a Lamb

March, I’m a little sad to see you go. You were pretty awesome! You brought me my first wedding anniversary, a delightful mountain vacation, several excellent meals/visits with friends, and lots of excitement for the months to come.

March also had goals. Some met with success and some, not so much. Let’s take a look see!
1. Read another five books – Almost! I got 4/5; Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Stones Into Schools by Greg Mortenson, Room by Emma Donohue, and The Imperfectionists by Tom Rachman. My favorite out of these was Stones Into Schools!
2. One of those books, non fiction or classic – Check – Stones Into Schools!
3. Try out at least three new recipes – Check! We tried a variety of new delights including a delicious slow cooker lasagna with mushrooms and spinach, a new “fake” egg salad recipe (which we made again last night), and a Shepperd’s Pie recipe from the slowcooker book that we adapted to the stovetop.
4. Write three letters – Also check; I actually exceeded this one and sent out my fourth letter yesterday.
5. Be able to run three miles straight – Oooo, not so much. I made it up to 1.5 miles. I had plans to be over two, but being sick this week set me back.
6. Buy a kettlebell (check!) and do a kettlebell workout at least three times –So I got the kettlebell, but only managed two of my three goal workouts. Again, being sick put a damper on this as I had planned to do another work out earlier this week.

Obviously I cannot go a month without some goals. So, here is what’s up for April:
1. Be ready to start half-marathon training (aka be able to run three miles with minimal walking breaks). This is mandated by Thea who will be creating my half marathon training schedule – I start May 1!
2. Complete 6 strength training work outs. (0/6) I miss my muscle tone! These can be kettlebell workouts, gym workouts, bootcamps, whatever as long as I feel the burn!
3. Make 3 more new recipes, including something to share. (0/3) I already have a few things up my sleeve!
4. Read 5 books, for real this time! (0/5) My upcoming travel for a family wedding should help since I’ll be killing time in an airport for a while.
5. One of these books should be a classic. (0/1) I’m not doing so hot with this part of my resolution. Anne of Green Gables is still a work in progress and probably won’t count until May.
6. Stick to our weekly budgets. (0/5) We’ve been diverging from our meal plans a little too much and spending more money than we should. Eating in more/sticking to our plans should help me achieve at least three new recipes!

So, what’s April got in store for me?

  • I’ll be making my first trip to the dentist in over two years. It is also worth noting that I’m horrified of the dentist. I’m already a little anxious thinking about it.
  • I’m headed to Atlanta and then on to St. Augustine for my cousin’s wedding!
  • About a bazillion friends have birthdays that need celebrating. This is always excellent!
  • I am teleworking a ton which is wonderful!
  • Hubs has some work travel coming up and I’m fairly jealous. It’s okay though because he can’t come to St. Augustine due to school work.

What are you excited about in April? Are you making any goals this month?


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One Year Ago Today


On March 27, 2010, I married my best friend.

This is how we celebrated last year:

Aside from our cabin trip, we took a little night away to the Chesapeake Bay to celebrate our real anniversary! Oh, and it snowed?

Then, tonight, since our frozen wedding cake is at my parent’s house still in their freezer, we recreated it thanks to Whole Foods. One of the layers of our cake was yellow cake with fresh strawberry filling and Whole Foods had that today!

Last year:

And this year:
Yes, that’s right, we even dug out our toasting flutes!

How do I feel about the whole thing?
Pretty good! (Please note my very serious cake eating face.)

Happy Anniversary to the most amazing Husband! It has been a wonderful year and I cannot wait for what is to come in the years that follow. I’m so blessed to have a man who supports me so completely and knows everything about me and loves me anyway.



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Vacation Sneak Peek

Okay, so I owe you all an update on our awesome vacation. However, I’ve been re-reading my high school and college paper journals (whoa boy) and I kinda want to spend some time with my current paper journal tonight. That leaves just a few minutes to share some pictures from our week in the Smoky Mountains!


Okay, more pictures and the like later. Happy Sunday Funday y’all!

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In Like A Lion

Y’all, it is March! I’m having real issues trying to wrap my mind around the fact that two months are already gone?! Also having a lot of fun thinking back to this time last year. I was in the last month of wedding planning and life was such a whirlwind. Now, I’m getting ready to go on my one year anniversary trip with Hubs!

I love a good list, so let’s look back at what I wanted to do in Feb and how well that worked out for me. Annnnnd, I’ve got some more goals for March.

1. Read five books (Check – Three Cups of Tea, Happy Ever After, You Know When the Men Are Gone, Firefly Lane, and She’s Come Undone)
2. One of those books, non fiction (Check – Three Cups of Tea)
3. Try six new recipes (Ehhh – 3/6) [Emily’s Healthy Spinach and Artichoke Dip, Kelly’s Chicken Parisienne, and Black Bean Veggie Chili] Side Note: The Chili came out of my new SlowCooker book for a Chili Cook Off at work. It won me the “Chili with the Best Texture Award” and I cannot wait to try more recipes out of there!!

1. Read another five books (0/5) This should be pretty easy since we’re taking our anniversary trip to the mountains for some serious relaxation! I cannot wait to sit on my porch/in my hot tub with a cup of coffee/glass of wine and read with the mountains in the background!!
2. One of those books, non fiction or classic (0/1) I’m reading Anne of Green Gables again via Daily Lit but I doubt I’ll finish it this month. There are plenty of other books I can turn to, including Stones into Schools!
3. Try out at least three new recipes (0/3) SlowCooker cookbook? I’m coming for you! I’ve already got plans this week to make a spinach and mushroom lasagna in the crock pot.
4. Write three letters (0/3) I started out with a resolution to write people more and I’ve sucked — to put it lightly.
5. Be able to run three miles straight This includes working on my half marathon training. Right now, I’m sucking wind and I’m ready to be a comfortable runner again.
6. Buy a kettlebell and do a kettlebell workout at least three times (0/3) I’ve been on the verge of purchasing a 15lb kettlebell for the past couple weeks (that and the half dozen books in my Amazon shopping cart). I just need to pull the trigger. I resolved to lift more weights so now it’s time to do it! Plus, a little tone in my arms for my cousin’s beach wedding in April wouldn’t be awful!

So what’s going on in March? I already mentioned that we’re spending a week (five nights, really) in the mountains for our anniversary trip over Hubs’ spring break! I think we’re also trying to get away the night of our actual anniversary too. By the end of the month, I swear, I’ll be able to run a 5k without keeling over and, hopefully, I’ll be another five pounds lighter? (I’d settle for three though!) I also really want to have meals with friends more. I enjoy cooking for people and also delight in being cooked for. 🙂 We have a lot of really great friends that share similar sentiments so hopefully we can capitalize on that. Oh, and I want to spend some good, quality time with all the amazing women in my life. I was having margaritas with Blair and Mia the other night and I was thinking about how blessed I am to have so many strong, positive, supportive women that have my back.

All right, enough prattling. I know I still owe y’all a review of Restaurant Eve and it will be even better now because Hubs and I went back last Friday. (Oh yes, we did!) So, stay tuned for that. Time for me to valiantly resist my chili cook off induced coma…


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It’s Funner with Funfetti!

I got my Betty Crocker on tonight and made a little sweet treat for my office for Valentine’s Day tomorrow. I used one of my favorite subs from my Weight Watcher’s days and instead of using oil, water, and eggs to make the cake, I just added 12oz of diet cake to the cake batter. You whip it up and bake it like normal, just far fewer calories. (Honestly, I don’t know how many more times I’ll use this since I’m trying to steer clear of diet coke but it sounded so convenient and easy tonight!)

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Fresh from the oven and waiting to be frosted! Yum!

I love the way the apartment smells during and after baking. (I think the dog does too – he just walks around sniffing the air.) Hopefully my co-workers will enjoy their little afternoon snack. Smile 

Hubs heads out of town tomorrow for some work travel in Boston so I’ll be living it up single lady style. My routine is a little different when it’s just me in the house. Dinner is “easier” (aka lazier), I can watch Glee and Gossip Girl without groans from the peanut gallery, etc. So, in celebration of my “secret single habits” I went grocery shopping just for me tonight. I renewed my love affair with Trader Joe’s tonight. Sigh. I feel like they’ll be getting a lot more of my money soon.

Random side question, if I’m trying a new product (like some of my dinners from TJ’s) does it count as a new recipe? I’m guessing not, but I figured it was worth a shot! Open-mouthed smile 

We got the hound a little Valentine’s Day gift while we were out and about today. Not only did he get a (hopefully) indestructible toy but we also got him a shirt. Please note: This was TOTALLY my husband’s idea!

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Dog meets shirt…

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Shirt meets dog…

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Dog is officially a “chick magnet.”

And, with that, I’m off to play with my little dog. Good night bloggies! Happy (early) Valentine’s Day!

What are your “secret single habits?”


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Back to Life…

Back to reality! (Okay, maybe not that excited, but still.)

I love work travel, but I also kinda like being in a routine. It’s so much easier to eat well, plan workouts, not splurge, etc. Also, I miss the Husband and the Hound when I’m gone.

So, here’s what I’ve been up to:
Hmm, now I want to go back to the West Coast, drink lots of coffee and eat a ton of fresh produce! Yum!

I’ve got some catching up to do. Kelly gave me a blogger award that I need to respond to! Brie has been hardcore inspiring me to get my eating and workouts in check. (More on some short term goals soon!) And, I’ve finished a couple good books (halfway through Born to Run).

So, with that said, I’m taking my sore throat to bed. (Seriously, why do I always feel sickly after traveling?) Night y’all!


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A week in pictures

While I catch up on life and get ready for the next week back in the office, here are some pictures to catch you up on what I’ve been seeing, eating, reading, doing, etc.

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2011 Trip 1 087

So, can you guess where I’ve been? Smile


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My bags are packed

But am I ready to go?

I take off today for a three city work trip. I’ve got my workout gear packed and plans to hopefully check out a few workout classes at our various hotels. I’m also trying to get today started out right — instead of airport fast food and fried hashbrowns I’m cooking myself two eggs to go with a banana and two clementines. We land a little before two, so hopefully I can find a granola bar or something for mid-flight snacking.

We’re going to a lot of places that are known for their food. And I want to eat it all! I’m going to try to make good decisions and aim to get as many fruits and veggies (non-fried) as possible. I’ll be back in a week to let you know how I did and to catch up on your blogs. I hope all of you have a wonderful first week of 2011!

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I can’t even see that far back…

Okay, so I’m a sucker for end of the year blog posts. I stole this from Brie. You should check out her responses too, cause I love her blog!

1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
I got married! I also did a lot of traveling and saw a lot of places for the first time: Jamaica, Austin (Texas in general), New Orleans (Louisiana in general), and West Virginia. Oh, and I got my first ever massage on our Jamaican Honeymoon.

I also ran my first race on January 3rd. It was FREEZING!

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I did a pretty good job with my resolutions. I’m happy with this past year. And I definitely plan on making more resolutions. More on that in the next few days!

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
No one gave birth this year, but I have good friends due in April, May, June, and August!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully, no. I’ve been very blessed this year.

5. What countries did you visit?

6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
A lot less student loan debt!

7. What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
March 27 – Our wedding date!

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Completing two races and planning a wonderful wedding!

9. What was your biggest failure?
I missed out on several races. One I was registered for but decided not to run (as it was the day after we moved). I also intended to run several others but never followed through. I’m fairly disappointed with myself for not following through.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
A couple bouts with food poisoning and a variety of work out “ouchies” with a side of achy knees. Otherwise, again, I’ve been very fortunate.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
My wedding dress! (I’d love an excuse to wear it again…)

12. Where did most of your money go?
My Student Loans and Hub’s tuition. More recently, to this little fellow:

Holidays 023

13. What did you get really excited about?
Getting married, going on our honeymoon, all my work travel.

14. What song will always remind you of 2010?
Our first dance song (David Gray’s This Year’s Love) or Don’t Stop Believing (specifically the amazing rendition from Dan and Kelly’s Wedding)!
Ridings Wedding 126

15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
– happier or sadder?  Happier!
– thinner or fatter? About the same, maybe a little fatter (Sad smile).
– richer or poorer? About the same.

16. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Spring Variety 167
And, spending time with my friends. I love to relax and sometimes it turns me into a little bit of a homebody. So, if you’re reading this and you live in/around/near DC – let’s hang out!

17. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Waste time: on the internet, watching mindless tv, etc.

18. How did you spend Christmas?
Surrounded by my wonderful family in Atlanta!

19. What was your favorite TV program?
I enjoyed: Top Chef, Biggest Loser, Glee, Gossip Girl, and The Office.

20. What were your favorite books of the year?

I finished 62 books this year. Highlights included: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series, the Hunger Games books, The Looming Tower (Lawrence Wright), Zeitoun (by Dave Eggers), and Omnivore’s Dilemma (Michael Pollan).

21. What was your favorite music from this year?
Sarah Barailles, Florence and the Machine, The Used, and mind-numbing top 40 music.

22. What were your favorite films of the year?
I only saw a few movies in theatres and none of them were anything to write home about, sadly.

23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 25 and spent the day at work. I had delicious, cheap Italian food and drinks with friends that evening. Hubs and I belatedly celebrated my birthday a month or two later with a fancy, wonderful dinner out.

24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Paying down my loans farther. I wanted to be at a certain number by 1/1/11 and I’ll fall short of that. I’m making it my goal to have no more loans by the 27th birthday – ideally, though, the loans will be gone this time next year!

25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
Well, I’ve been trying to diversify my casual wardrobe and move away from all my college t-shirts. That’s an ongoing battle. It’s hard to buy casual clothes when you really need work clothes.

26. What kept you sane?
Hubs, my amazing friends, my parents, and good workouts.

27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010

I learned a lot this past year. I need to believe in myself more and follow through with challenges I set for myself (running: case in point). I also need to stop worrying about what other people do and don’t have. Someone will always have more than me and someone will always have less – I need to be happy with exactly what I’ve got.


All right, the Dawgs on on TV and I need to concentrate on football. We’re headed in to Old Town in a few hours and I can’t wait to chow down on some tapas.  There’s a delicious chocolate stout six pack in the fridge and a large saison for toasting with at midnight. This is certainly a fortuitous start to 2011. Happy New Years, Y’all!


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