Tag Archives: work out

A week in numbers

0 – the number of staples in/on Buddy (yesss, staple free!)
1 – night spent on amazon.com “trading in” our old textbooks for amazon credit. (this is awesome, you should do it. ask me if you have questions!)
2 – cups of coffee consumed this morning (also see: number of pills Buddy is down to each day)
3 – runs so far this week
4 – miles run yesterday without stopping
5 – bags of dog treats for our spoiled dog (all different too, spoiled!)
6 – food trucks I anticipate eating at/sampling from this evening at TRUCKEROO!

It has been a pretty good week! Buddy “looks awesome” according to the vet and has almost completed three weeks of crate rest. He’s such a patient little dog.

I had a few good runs (including a four miler yesterday where I never once wanted to quit), enjoyed book club (book review coming soon), my old boss’ wife had  their baby on 7-11, and we got a package in the mail from my parents for Buddy (spoiled)! Tonight is Truckeroo and tomorrow is Dan and Kelly’s annual luau. So excited. Hubs and I are also aiming for a 5.5-6 mile long run tomorrow morning. Hopefully it goes as well as yesterday’s four miler!

On the not so good side, I apparently spent a lot of this week eating poorly and fooling myself into thinking I was eating well. Whoops! This morning, the scale was up and I definitely had a moment of WTF?! I mean, I’m working out more than I have in a long time. Scale, why do you betray me?! Then, I started thinking about what I had to eat this week: BGR for lunch Monday, a 7-11 day slurpee, chinese food, beer, wine, ice cream, pizza and more wine at book club, etc. Oh, my bad, those aren’t health foods?!


Oh, yeah, I guess not. That probably explains my situation this morning. So, I’ve scaled back my grand ambitions (mac and cheese, grilled cheese, poutine, empanadas, tacos, cupcakes) for the food trucks tonight and have tried to make more logical decisions. Hubs has generously offered to split poutine with me so I can still have it – I married him for reasons like this! I’m still looking forward to trying some new trucks and it’s not like I’ll never have another chance to try the grilled cheese truck or the mac and cheese truck. Delayed gratification, right?

Coming next week: more cooking, a book review, and hopefully a report of a successful long run!


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Stress (Less)?

Here’s a little Anna factoid for you: I am prone to anxiety. Fortunately my anxiety is not debilitating and panic attacks are rare things for me. But, I do seem to love a good worry. I really envy people who are able to look at a situation, consider the facts, and move forward. Also, the people who don’t “what if” a situation to death. However, along with many wonderful traits, my family also carries a predisposition to anxiety and mild depression. Yum.

My current worry? We took Buddy for his first follow up appointment this afternoon. Buddy is looking great – aside from his wound on his tummy. I’ll skip all the nasty details. Basically, the vet wants us to hold a warm compress to his wound for five minutes or so 3-4 times a day. This seems to feel good as Buddy settles down as soon as the warm compress hits his skin. Poor little guy. We have another follow up appointment on Thursday. From that point the vet will decide if he needs to have his wound cleaned and closed with staples or stitches. This is where I start to worry things around in my mind.

Worries: I don’t want him to get an infection. I don’t want him to be in pain. If he has to have the wound closed by the vets, what is that going to cost? If they use staples, how long do those have to stay in? Right now, Hubs and I have enough telework approval to stay home with him until the first set of staples (from all his cuts) come out. But, if he has to get another set of staples, I don’t know if one of us can stay home with him. He should be fine in his crate — but I worry he’ll get his e-collar hung up on something or find a way to lick/nibble at his wound and staples.

End crazy. Okay, so I need to leave this alone. I don’t know if he’s even going to need staples. We could wake up in the morning (after three hot compresses and another good night’s sleep) and his skin could look healthy and pink. It could look even better Thursday morning. And, if that’s the case then I’ve wound myself up for no good reason.

I think I’m a little tense tonight because Hubs is going into work for the rest of the week and I’ll be home alone with the little guy. I’m so fearful of hurting him somehow or exacerbating his injuries. I know he’s a tough little guy and I’ve handled things with Hubs around often enough to know what I’m doing with Buddy-care. But it’s still nerve wracking.

Blah, okay, fretting over with. Thanks for joining me on my crazy train this evening. In other, actual blog related, news — my house arrest with the hound is paying off in some ways! I’ve cooked — Banana bread and two new recipes (Mama Pea’s Mmmm sauce and a Creamy Taco Mac that Brie shared), worked out (a run, a strength training session, and a hill incline session), and devoured my book club book. (Too bad Buddy’s Thursday follow up appointment falls during book club. Oh well. Hound first, wine second.)

Hubs just leaned over and asked if I was “blogging about my feelings.” 🙂 He can always tell when I’m worrying something around in my mind. Time for me to put this worry aside, get my little dog to eat dinner, and read some more in my lovely book club book. (Review coming shortly!)


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Onto the next one

Better late than never! It’s time to welcome July with a quick look back at June.

1. Get my mileage up! (2/4) I did pretty well with this for most of the month. Even though my mileage wasn’t as high as it needed to be, I was pushing for long runs and running more often. The last week in June definitely suffered after Buddy’s accident. I’m looking forward to really kicking up a notch in July.
2. Weight train (at least once a week). (4/4) They may have not happened once a week as planned, but I did get (at least) four strength training sessions in. Sometimes it was just arms, sometimes it was the P90x “Ab Ripper X” dvd, sometimes it was both. I can’t wait to continue this and see my running and fitness continue to improve. 
3. Read three books that are non-fiction or classics. (4/3) I crushed this pretty much. Books: The Dirty Life by Kristin Kimball, The Good Soldiers by David Finkel, Devil in the White City by Erik Larson, and The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
4. Get Laptop fixed. Seriously, Anna. I did get an external hard drive for our fading desktop computer and I got a wireless USB thinking that might fix our laptop connectivity problems. But, unfortunuately, it still doesn’t recognize our home wireless even though all our other electronics do. 
5. Make a savings plan for summer fun trips. Hubs and I knocked this out pretty quickly. We’ve been following it successfully as well. 
6. Make four new recipes. (3/4) Again, I think I could have nailed this if we hadn’t spent the past week in a daze/frenzy after Buddy’s run in with a car. Still, three new recipes isn’t shabby! Quinoa salad for lunches, pound cake, and Thai Chicken Soup — I would make all of these again!

Time to look at July!
1. Try out four new recipes. I already have at least one in mind for next week! If we’re staying in with the hound for “house arrest” we might as well eat some good things!
2. Run 45 miles in July. After my Saturday run, I “only” need 42.5 more miles!
3. Read six books, three non-fiction or classic. The Kindle has been spurring on my reading. And with “hound house arrest” I should be able to read even more.
4. Share at least two book reviews. I’ll aim for our current book club pick and something perhaps a little fluffier.
5. Complete six strength training sessions for the month. I like seeing my body get stronger and my running get better.
6. Post at least 10 times this month.

What are you up to this month? Any suggestions for books to read or recipes to try? I’m all ears!


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Reality Check

It’s a long holiday weekend and Hubs and I were supposed to head to TN with friends to enjoy five days of relaxing, good food, drinks, fireworks, bands, hot tubs, reading, fishing, and more. Obviously, Buddy’s current situation requires us to be at home. A lot. One of us is in the apartment at all times and we plan to keep this up until at least July 13th. (That’s the day Buddy’s staples come out and his surgical collar comes off. Until then, he could potentially be a hazard to himself and/or chew on his wounds and pick at his staples.)

We’re pretty bummed that we’re not sitting on a huge deck in TN, sipping cocktails, and watching our little hound dog run around with a new doggy friend. But, at the same time we’re so thankful to still have our little dog and that tempers the disappointment some.

We’ve been alternating running errands so that neither of us gets stir crazy, but I have a feeling that I’ll be SO READY to leave the apartment together in a few days. Hubs is playing a new video game and I’ve been telling myself that this is a chance to blow through some books. I even got excited about working out today.

My last run (and workout) was last Sunday when Hubs and I did two sweaty, hilly, fast (for me) miles which I then followed up with some more time in the gym. The DC Metro area has an air quality warning today, so I kept it indoors. I did 2.5 gloriously enjoyable miles on the treadmill and then another mile of (walking) hills. It was a nice break to the monotony of the apartment and it was so nice to see that a week of no running didn’t throw me off too much. I plan to try again for another run tomorrow! I will miss running with Hubs for a few weeks; but again, I’d rather give up a little running time with him to take care of our little dog.

Buddy continues to do better. He’s wolfing down chicken, rice, and canned doggy food but he’s still snubbing his normal kibble. Better not get spoiled little dog! He’s only whiny every once in a while and his pain pill consumption is at the low end of what he’s allowed instead of the high end. Buddy is super confused about why he has to stay in his cage. Poor little guy. We can’t wait until his staples and the cone are gone so we can give him his favorite nylabones and some yummy stuffed kongs to keep him busy. Until the cone is gone though, he can’t really use his paws to hold things so we have to bide our time.

6 days of recovery down, 50 days to go!


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Dear Apartment Gym Users

Please take this little letter as a set of subtle hints on appropriate gym conduct.

First – please attire yourself appropriately. Jeans are not appropriate. Nor are plaid shorts. I would also appreciate it if you kept all parts of your stomach covered while you work out. If girls are not bearing bellies, men should not be bearing bellies. (Maybe attire is picky, but it’s so weird to see someone come in dressed do strangely for the gym.)

Second – there are signs everywhere so stop throwing your weights around! I get it, you lift large weights. You must be pretty awesome. However, I can’t notice how AWESOME you are when you chuck your 35lb dumbbells to the ground after every set. That shit reverbs to the apartments around the gym and makes everyone in the gym turn and look at you. And, no, we’re not looking because you’re awesome — it’s because it’s annoying.

Third – extended personal phone calls should not be conducted in the gym. You will get the evil eye from me when I can hear your OVER my music. I don’t care what Sally said nor do I care what little Billy’s teacher said about his exceptional social skills. Please don’t chat up your bestie while on the treadmill next to me.

Fourth – the gym is not a place for hollering. When you’re working hard, especially lifting, I totally understand that need for a little exertion breathing/grunting. But, you don’t have to yell about it. Just like the rule for phone talkers, if I can hear you over my loud music maybe you should check your ego at the door?

Fifth – WIPE DOWN YOUR MACHINE! You are sweaty and nasty. The apartment complex provides little sanitary wipes. Please use them! This is all.


I really don’t feel like I’m asking too much. People are weird in the apartment gym sometimes…

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen at your gym?



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Progress & Success

It has been a busy (and wonderful) few days around here! Friday, I ran four miles (on the dreadmill) and actually really enjoyed it! I’ve decided that 26 will be the age when I embrace running and stop making excuses.

Saturday we joined the moving team known as “Team Awesome” and helped two of our friends empty their old apartment, drive from MD to VA, and unload their stuff into a new apartment — all in four hours. It may have been the most efficient move I’ve ever been a part of. And Sunday was the Louisiana State Society’s annual Crawfish boil. Every year that is a good time and this year was no different. (This year, I opted to be “healthier” and instead of all you can eat jambalaya, sausage, and beer, I brought vodka with soda water and subway. However, the copious amounts of lime tortilla chips and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies were not the best for me…)

In between all this, Hubs and I made our “savings plan” for our trips this summer. We got serious and looked at how much we’d need to enjoy ourselves. The money considerations also convinced us to DRIVE to Atlanta in August (as opposed to flying). We’ll spend $200 in gas, but save almost $200 in dog boarding and close to $600 in airfare. (How are flights SO EXPENSIVE?!) That’s definitely worth a ten hour drive and our parents can spoil their granddog a little more. I’m pleased we sat down to figure this out — it makes me feel like we can responsibly take all the trips we want to by just cutting a few corners. Hooray vacations!

Now the only thing hanging over my head is my book ADD. Now that my Kindle is covered, loaded with books, and ready to go I just wanna use ittttt! *insert whining here* The only problem? I’m still finishing Thursday’s book club book and two library books. Hopefully I can settle down to reading only a book or two at a time once I make the switch to the Kindle.

Ugh, I need to get back to work anyway. But Buddy just gassed me/made my work space inhabitable. (How does something like that come out of my SWEET little dog?!) I’m making my escape. Later y’all!


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Oh, so that’s what it’s like…

I remember what a good run feels like! 

After my blog post about intimidation and my bad mindset when it comes to running, I chatted with a few of my runner friends and Hubs. Basically, the jist was — if you’re not going to enjoy it, why do it? Hubs reminded me that I need to think of running as fun and enjoy what I can push myself to do.

Tuesday, I came home to a sweaty Husband — fresh off 3 miles from our training plan and the treadmill.  I knew I needed to run, but decided that outside was the way to go. I set out with the aim of running 2 miles. I finished those two. They were not easy, but they were definitely not as hard as I had thought they would be. I decided that, after a half mile walking break, I was going to finish another mile. Hubs was not going to “beat” me! 

And, I did it! Granted, the last .4 mile was spent in the large parking lot across the street from my house. Cops use it for motorcycle training so it’s  closed to traffic. I’m sure I looked like a loon — jogging slowing back and forth across the parking lot. I was BRIGHT RED and at the point in my run where I didn’t give two damns if I even looked like I was running. My level of effort was a run in my mind, so I trekked around that parking lot until my trusty Garmin said it was quitting time. Proud doesn’t cover it!

Perhaps I needed the element of competition. Or, maybe I just needed crunch time? I had another pretty good run on Thursday. That time I stuck to 2.25 straight and walked it out to three miles to complete my mileage. After two recovery days (my poor, sore legs), I hit the treadmill this afternoon. (It was a little warm and sunny  for my pale skin outside.) This time, I ran intervals to keep myself from getting bored. 2 minutes at 5.5 and a minute at 6. With half a mile left, I increased my speed by .1 mile every minute until I finished my 2.5 miles. (Much speedier than normal too!) It sucked, seriously, but I made it happen and I’m pretty pleased with myself. I walked another mile to meet my mileage. (Cannot wait until I can run the full mileage for the week!)

So yeah, here I am, less than a week later, with three (for me) fairly strong runs under my belt. Our families are coming into town this week for Hubs’ graduation, but I’m going to try to still get my three runs in this week! Hooray consistency and double hooray for finally enjoying (for the most part) running again!


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Enjoying Marathon Monday

It’s tax day — but more importantly it is also Marathon Monday!

I subjected husband to two hours of runners and compulsively updated the race tracker for my boss. I went down to the gym intending to use the race as motivation for my training run of the day. Sadly, our gym’s cable receivers are undergoing maintenance so I was stuck to local news channels. 😦 No race finish for me. Instead, I focused on pushing myself through today’s run.

Let’s say this, I’m very glad I’m starting my training for this half now — because I am going to need every second of the time I have left. I’m running intervals right now because that’s so much more attainable and less intimidating to me. Thankfully, today’s run was better than Friday’s! 🙂 

I am, h0wever, currently famished. The problem with that is I finished an extra large lunch (left over chicken curry and quinoa) about two hours ago. WHOOPS! Going to chug some water and hope that tides me over a little? Husband gets out of class at 7ish so that means we’ll eat around 7:45 or 8. Eeeek!

Two quick side notes: (1) Chicken Curry went well! Hooray! And I did it all by myself. It’s so fun to have a meal ready for husband instead of the other way around. (2) Husband has, after today, four classes left before he gets his masters! Now, if only all his work was almost done and he was stress free! I guess you can’t have it all.

How did you celebrate Marathon Monday? 

Do you get insane post work out hunger? (Or am I weird in wanting to eat my arm sometimes?)


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Back in the Saddle

I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes from toughing out something you really didn’t want to do in the first place. That’s what I did yesterday. I didn’t want to run — still sore from Tuesdays Kettlebell attempts. But, I reminded myself that (a) I was going to HH/needed to earn my beers and (b) the half marathon wasn’t getting any farther away. It wasn’t pretty, but I’m so glad I did it. I’ll be lacing up my running shoes again tomorrow (either before or wayyy after my brunch with a few friends).

What I don’t love right now is the pollen. Ugh! I can’t breathe and my throat is sore. I love spring time and the arrival of temperate weather but it really wreaks havoc on my ability to suck in oxygen. I guess I can properly appreciate today’s nasty, rainy weather since it is hopefully washing away some of my nemesis!

I’ll be packing in an early lunch today before heading out to meet up with Aidan and head to Nicole’s baby shower. I’ve got my gift (which I may wrap in a garbage bag to keep it from getting soaked in transit) and I’m excited. I’ve never been to a baby shower before! I’ll have to try and control myself when it comes to finger foods and drinks. My weight has been falling again and I don’t want to mess that up. (This is one of those times when the struggle of giving up cheese for Lent comes in handy – it keeps me from eating ANYTHING and EVERYTHING  I want.)

Speaking of cheese, I have a hot date with Noodles and Co for a huge plate of Mac and Cheese in a week and a day! Anyone want to join me for that? (Or for the run I’ll be doing in an attempt to try and counteract some of that?)

Do you suffer from pollen like I do?

What’s your favorite party finger food? Mine is probably pot stickers or cheesy dips!

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In Like A Lion

Y’all, it is March! I’m having real issues trying to wrap my mind around the fact that two months are already gone?! Also having a lot of fun thinking back to this time last year. I was in the last month of wedding planning and life was such a whirlwind. Now, I’m getting ready to go on my one year anniversary trip with Hubs!

I love a good list, so let’s look back at what I wanted to do in Feb and how well that worked out for me. Annnnnd, I’ve got some more goals for March.

1. Read five books (Check – Three Cups of Tea, Happy Ever After, You Know When the Men Are Gone, Firefly Lane, and She’s Come Undone)
2. One of those books, non fiction (Check – Three Cups of Tea)
3. Try six new recipes (Ehhh – 3/6) [Emily’s Healthy Spinach and Artichoke Dip, Kelly’s Chicken Parisienne, and Black Bean Veggie Chili] Side Note: The Chili came out of my new SlowCooker book for a Chili Cook Off at work. It won me the “Chili with the Best Texture Award” and I cannot wait to try more recipes out of there!!

1. Read another five books (0/5) This should be pretty easy since we’re taking our anniversary trip to the mountains for some serious relaxation! I cannot wait to sit on my porch/in my hot tub with a cup of coffee/glass of wine and read with the mountains in the background!!
2. One of those books, non fiction or classic (0/1) I’m reading Anne of Green Gables again via Daily Lit but I doubt I’ll finish it this month. There are plenty of other books I can turn to, including Stones into Schools!
3. Try out at least three new recipes (0/3) SlowCooker cookbook? I’m coming for you! I’ve already got plans this week to make a spinach and mushroom lasagna in the crock pot.
4. Write three letters (0/3) I started out with a resolution to write people more and I’ve sucked — to put it lightly.
5. Be able to run three miles straight This includes working on my half marathon training. Right now, I’m sucking wind and I’m ready to be a comfortable runner again.
6. Buy a kettlebell and do a kettlebell workout at least three times (0/3) I’ve been on the verge of purchasing a 15lb kettlebell for the past couple weeks (that and the half dozen books in my Amazon shopping cart). I just need to pull the trigger. I resolved to lift more weights so now it’s time to do it! Plus, a little tone in my arms for my cousin’s beach wedding in April wouldn’t be awful!

So what’s going on in March? I already mentioned that we’re spending a week (five nights, really) in the mountains for our anniversary trip over Hubs’ spring break! I think we’re also trying to get away the night of our actual anniversary too. By the end of the month, I swear, I’ll be able to run a 5k without keeling over and, hopefully, I’ll be another five pounds lighter? (I’d settle for three though!) I also really want to have meals with friends more. I enjoy cooking for people and also delight in being cooked for. 🙂 We have a lot of really great friends that share similar sentiments so hopefully we can capitalize on that. Oh, and I want to spend some good, quality time with all the amazing women in my life. I was having margaritas with Blair and Mia the other night and I was thinking about how blessed I am to have so many strong, positive, supportive women that have my back.

All right, enough prattling. I know I still owe y’all a review of Restaurant Eve and it will be even better now because Hubs and I went back last Friday. (Oh yes, we did!) So, stay tuned for that. Time for me to valiantly resist my chili cook off induced coma…


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